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About Us

The first Catholics to settle in Merrickville were the families of the Irish, Scottish, and French builders of the Rideau Canal (1826-1832). The area was originally served by priests visiting from Perth and Prescott and later from Smiths Falls and Kemptville.


Today, St. Ann's Parish is home to Catholics in the Village of Merrickville-Wolford and parts of Montague, Marlborough, and Oxford townships.


In this section:




Pastoral Staff


Rev. Paul Mawalla


Rev. Mark Mawson



Committees and Ministries


Our church operates with the talents within our parish community. Please contact the parish office if you would like to get involved.




Liturgical Ministries


As a Catholic community, we cherish the Mass as our primary way of gathering for worship. It takes many people to make our liturgies as rich and joyful as possible. No experience necessary. We’ll show you what you need to know and do.


If you are interested in serving in a liturgical ministry, please see Fr. Paul after Mass. Learn more about:



Altar Servers


Altar Servers assist the priest and deacon at the altar of sacrifice. Parishioners who have received their First Communion are invited to serve at Mass, processions, Adoration and other liturgical celebrations. Servers have the opportunity to grow in their love, reverence and devotion to Jesus, our Eternal Priest. This is a great way to begin one's discernment to consecrated life. 


Characteristics sought in Altar Servers include: 

  • Maturity to understand their responsibilities and to carry them out well and with appropriate reverence 

  • Ability to follow directions, work well with others, and be attentive to what is taking place 

  • Dependability - serving when scheduled or finding a replacement as required 




At every Mass, readings from Sacred Scripture, except the Gospel which is the function of the deacon or priest (if no deacon), are proclaimed by lay people. The Sacred Scripture readings are an element of the greatest importance in the liturgy for through them, God himself speaks to His people. As proclaimers of the Sacred Scriptures, readers are instruments of God; they are people with a deep love of Scripture. 


Lectors must:

  • Be registered parishioners who are fully initiated members of the Church—men and women who have received Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.

  • Show the greatest reverence for proclaiming the Sacred Scriptures and the Holy Mass by their demeanor, attire and preparation for fulfilling their role.

  • Be dependable - serving when scheduled or finding a replacement as required.




Under the general direction of the clergy, a sacristan undertakes the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations, including all that is needed for special days. The sacristan diligently arranges the liturgical books, lays out the vestments, and prepares the sacred vessels and anything else needed for the celebration of Mass.


Sacristans must:

  • Be fully initiated members of the Church who have received Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.

  • Possess the maturity to show great reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, attire, and care and handling of all the sacred vessels and articles used in worship.

  • Be dependable - serving when scheduled or finding a replacement as required.



Parish Pastoral Council


The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body whose primary purpose is to work with the Pastor regarding matters pertaining to the pastoral life of the parish. It involves representative parishioners in assisting in the discernment of the ongoing pastoral needs of the parish and in suggesting strategies helpful in pastoral planning and action devoted to living out the message of the Gospel. 


One of the responsibilities of the Council is Pastoral Care. Members visit and bring compassion and Holy Communion to nursing homes and the home bound. They offer emotional and spiritual support. Prayer shawls and rosaries are supplied.



Finance and Property Committee


The Finance and Property Committee acts in an advisory capacity to assist the pastor in the administration of the goods of the parish and oversees the finances of the parish. The Committee develops strategies for the fiscal implementation of the goals and priorities set by the Pastor.


In addition to financial and administrative planning, the Committee monitors necessary maintenance of the parish buildings and other properties with special effort in the area of preventative maintenance. 


If you are interested in volunteering with the Finance and Property Committee, contact Janet Weir.



Fundraising and Events Committee


The Fundraising and Events Committee fosters the parish community by hosting social events. Funds raised help supplement the weekly collection to support the daily operations of the parish and other special projects.


If you are interested in volunteering with the Fundraising and Events Committee, contact Audrey Baker.



Music Ministry


The Music Ministry assists in our weekly celebrations by providing music in the liturgy. The ministry leads the congregation in musical worship at Mass on weekends.


Membership is open to anyone with an interest in music. Members are expected to attend weekly practices. 


Qualities of choir members include: 

  • a pleasant voice

  • ability to take direction

  • faithfulness, reliability, and punctuality


Ability to read music is an asset.


Singers and musicians wishing to be considered for membership are asked to contact Ricky Lee.



Pro-Life Representatives


Pro-Life Representatives coordinate pro-life activities with the wider Church community in the northern deanery. Please direct any pro-life queries, thoughts or suggestions to Gail Glaser or Suzanne Glaser.

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